domingo, 5 de julho de 2009

Jeffrey Jacoby - 2004

Os argentinos De La Guarda são um grupo pouco convencional, fundado em 1992 por elementos da extinta De La Organización Negra. Segundo Jeffrey Jacoby em sua dissertação de mestrado para a Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park em 2004.

“As part of this experimental movement, Baldinu, Diqui and Tomas James, Kerpel, and D’Aquila created La Organización Negra (The Black Organization). Performing in the streets of Buenos Aires, the group responded to the pervading sense of alienation with site-specific performances designed to surprise incidental audiences: “We worked on the streets because it was the only way to surprise a public without generating theatrical or performative expectations, obviously with no warning whatsoever”

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